Verod is an African private equity and venture capital firm dedicated to investing in critical growth industries and creating a lasting positive impact. Verod is the very first 2X Certified PE fund worldwide, achieving a Best-in-Class certification, the highest tier possible, reflecting the company’s demonstrated commitment to achieving positive gender impact. Africa Global Fund’s Anna Lyudvig speaks with Nieros Oyegun Sørensen, Partner and Chief Operating Officer at Verod about unique opportunities in Africa, regional integration between Francophone and Anglophone Africa and the firm’s investments
Africa Global Funds’s Anna Lyudvig spoke with Arnold A. Dublin-Green, Chief Investment Officer at Cordros Asset Management, about the firm, its investment philosophy and investment opportunities in Nigeria
Africa Eats uses a unique for-profit business model. The companies under Africa Eats now have a combined $36m in revenues in 2023, growing at more than 50% year-over-year. Africa Global Funds's Anna Lyudvig caught up with Luni Libes, Founder & CEO of Africa Eats, to learn more
Olivier Granet (left), Managing Partner, Chief Executive Officer, and David Damiba (right), Managing Partner, Chief Investment Officer at Kasada Capital Management, tell Africa Global Funds about the firm’s investment strategy and trends that are driving the hospitality industry in Africa.
Albert Alsina, Founder and Chief Executive officer at Mediterrania Capital Partners, tells Africa Global Funds about the firm’s investment philosophy, how they are making impact in Africa, challenges with Private Equity investing and future plans
Paulo Martelli, VP and Chief Investment Officer at FinDev Canada, speaks with Africa Global Funds about their approach to investing in Africa, investment opportunities and challenges. Martelli has been with FinDev since 2018. He is responsible for setting the organization’s investment strategy and managing a growing portfolio of debt and equity investments across sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.
Guillaume De Meyer, Global Service Director (left) and Emmanuel Maire, Head of Technology (right) from Temenos Multifonds discuss the issues impacting asset management firms in South Africa, and how the latest technology can help do address them
Nkiru Balonwu, Founder of the Africa Soft Power Group, outlines some of the critical challenges under discussion at the Africa Soft Power Summit this month.
Africa Global Funds speaks with a few of the most influential female professionals about the biggest issues facing women in financial services and their personal experiences.
Africa Global Funds’a Anna Lyudvig speaks with José Solange Francis (left), Founder-Managing Director, and Morlai Kargbo, FCCA (right), Associate-Investment Director at Hamilcar Capital, about special situations and the firm’s objectives.