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Recognized by industry leaders for extensive coverage on African Asset Management

December 2020

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Another year has passed. And 2020 wasn’t easy. Because of the COVID-19, we had to adapt to new realities. To remain relevant in today’s world requires a shift in consciousness; new ways of perceiving the world, and new ways of wrestling with the challenges of change.
COVID-19 turned 2020 in a tough year for most investors, and the SME sector has been among those most acutely affected, according to GroFin. As an impact-driven SME financier, GroFin recognised the need for greater technical assistance and strategic guidance among the SMEs in its African portfolio (Read on p.13).
In the last issue of 2020, Edmund Higenbottam of Verdant Capital, shares his views on the African fintech sector. To find what makes the continent so attractive, flip to pp.16-17.
In the December issue of AGF, we also focus on gender lens investing. We speak with Finnfund, a Finnish development financier and impact investor, which has since April 2019 invested over €121m in companies that promote women’s empowerment in developing countries (pp.14-15).
In this edition, we also learn about Fonds Souverain de Djibouti, the winner at this year’s ‘Africa Global Funds Service Provider Awards’ within the ‘Fund Structuring’ category. The fund was structured by the SouthBridge Group, an innovative financial advisory and investment firm workingwith corporates, sovereigns and multinationals across the continent (Read on pp 18-19).
Finally, Brandon Irsigler of Dentons looks into the African mining sector. Read on to find which African counties offer investment opportunities on p.24.

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