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Capitalizing on the Growth of Africa’s Institutional Investor Base

Francisco Machado, Investment Director, Vital Capital
Aug. 4, 2023, 4:59 p.m.

Word count: 1034

Until recently, Ghana was considered a macroeconomic and political model in sub-Saharan Africa: in 2019, the World Bank described it as ‘a rising growth star’. However, in May 2023, the IMF signed a new bailout agreement worth $3bn over three years. It’s a program that’s widely seen as a band-aid for a host of long-term economic challenges facing the country - a net importer - including a balance of payments deficit. The nation’s public debt is nearly as large as its annual economic output, inflation has been running at over 40% in 2023 and Ghana’s currency, the Cedi, has fallen by more than 45% against the dollar since January 2022. The bailout will do little to address poverty, create new jobs, boost salaries or address the rising cost of living facing Ghanaians.

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